Shows & Tickets
ALL SALES FINAL. No refunds. Exchanges subject to availability and restrictions. Some productions do not allow late seating or re-entry. Event, artists, date and time subject to change. No photography or recording devices permitted. All Geffen Playhouse productions are intended for an adult audience; children under 10 years of age will not be admitted.
You agree to our terms of service by accessing or purchasing from our website.
Our goal at the Geffen Playhouse (“The Theater”) is to ensure that you (the “Holder”) have a purchasing experience that is easy, efficient, and fair, so you can be on your way to enjoying the many shows and events at our venue as quickly as possible. The following Terms of Service (the "Terms") are designed to ensure your satisfaction and understanding of the purchasing process as well as the use of the site (the "Site").
1. Terms
The following are the terms of use ("Terms") that govern your use of the site ("Site") as well as the terms for purchasing from the site. Our Privacy Policy and any other policies, rules or guidelines that may be applicable to offers or features on the Site are also incorporated into these Terms. By accessing this Site, you are agreeing to be bound by these Site Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations. Further, you agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this Site. The materials contained in this Site are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.
This site is not intended for children under the age of 12 and no person under the age of 12 may use this Site. We cannot prohibit minors from visiting our Site and must rely on parents and guardians to decide what materials are appropriate for children to view and purchase. There are various parental control systems available that may assist you in limiting access to material that may be harmful to minors. We strongly encourage all parents and guardians to monitor the Internet use by their children. If you use the Site, you affirm that you are at least 12 years of age.
We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. Cash is accepted at the Box Office window only. Checks can only be accepted for subscription purchases. We do not provide credit terms other than credit card accounts. Your name and address must exactly match the address on your monthly statement or the transaction will be denied. Failure to provide a correct billing address may result in tickets not being available. If picking up tickets at the Box Office, the card used to order, or valid government-issued photo identification must be provided. Placing an order through our website authorizes to charge your credit card for the order being placed, and any subsequent phone purchases.
Refunds, Exchanges, and Unlawful Resale
All ticket sales are final. There are no refunds unless performances are cancelled by Geffen Playhouse. The Theater is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen tickets. Any ticket obtained in breach of the Conditions will be void. Tickets, once purchased through this site or at the box office, may not be resold or offered for resale in any manner or at a price in violation of any federal, state, or local law and./or regulation. Further, any ticket purchased online or from the Box Office may not be used for advertising, promotion (including contests and sweepstakes) or other trade purposes.
If you are unable to attend your scheduled performance, please call 310.208.2028 at least 48 hours in advance of your showtime.
· Guests may exchange into an alternate performance date within the same run of the production and are subject to availability, which may be limited.
· Guests may exchange tickets for equally-priced dates or seats; exchanging tickets for those at a higher price point requires that you pay the difference in ticket price. This is common for many Preview guests requesting exchanges out of Preview week and into the regular run.
· Subscribers: All exchanges are FREE up until curtain time. A $15 post-show per ticket fee will apply if exchanging after curtain time.
· Single Ticket Buyers: A $20 per ticket exchange fee will apply to each exchanged ticket. Single tickets can only be exchanged up to 48 hours before curtain time.
· Exchanges PRIOR to 48 Hours of Showtime: Subscribers and single ticket buyers can exchange tickets into an alternate performance within the same production and secure exact dates and seating locations.
· Exchanges WITHIN 48 Hours of Showtime: Only subscribers can exchange tickets into an alternate performance within the same production and secure exact dates and seating locations.
Geffen Playhouse has implemented a new exchange policy and introduced an Exchange Pass for subscribers in the Audrey Skirball Kenis Theater.
· Exchanges PRIOR to 48 Hours of Showtime: Subscribers and single ticket buyers can exchange tickets into an alternate performance within the same production and secure exact dates and seating locations. Alternately, subscribers can request an Exchange Pass (see below for more information).
· Exchanges WITHIN 48 Hours of Showtime: Only subscribers can request an Exchange Pass.
How does the Exchange Pass work?
An Exchange Pass can be redeemed for a future performance within the same production, and may only be redeemed WITHIN 48 HOURS of the performance you wish to attend by calling Audience Services at 310.208.2028 (Tues–Sun, 12:00pm–6:00pm) or by visiting the Box Office window.
You will receive best available seats when redeeming an Exchange Pass.
The Exchange Pass offers flexibility for rescheduling, especially if you’re unsure which day you’ll want to attend in the future. Even if a performance is listed as “Sold Out” in advance, returned tickets regularly become available within 48 hours of a performance.
The value of unused Exchange Passes will be converted to tax-deductible ticket donations at the end of the production's runs. No refunds will be offered for unused Exchange Passes.
Anyone can donate tickets as a tax-deductible contribution to the Geffen Playhouse. Donations will be accepted up until curtain time by phone or in-person, or up until 3 hours before curtain time online (CLICK HERE), and will be acknowledged by mail for tax purposes.
Call our Audience Services line at 310.208.2028 to exchange or donate tickets.
Pricing and Other Errors
Ticket prices and availability are not guaranteed until orders are confirmed. Ticket availability and prices quoted are subject to change without notice. The Theater may use real time pricing in certain instances based on customer demand. Internet sales are in real time; therefore, purchases made and then confirmed are not subject to change after confirmation. The Theater reserves the right to refuse any order at its discretion. The Theater will contact you if the tickets you ordered are no longer available or if we are unable to fill the order as you requested.
In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to a typographical error or error in pricing or product information received, the Theater shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for products listed at the incorrect price.
Start Time
Start times of each show are subject to change without notice. The Holder of any ticket (purchased or otherwise) agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, and policies established by the Theater. Ticket holders may not transmit or aid in the transmitting, any description, account, picture or reproduction of the event.
License and Ejection
Each purchased ticket is a personal revocable license to any Geffen Playhouse events and shall remain company property The Theater reserves the right to refuse you entry to and/or eject you from the venue in any and all reasonable circumstances including, but not limited to: 1) bringing in outside food/beverage; 2) using cameras/recording devices inside the venue; 3) bringing in weapons and illegal substances; and/or 4) behaving in a manner that negatively affects the enjoyment of other patrons.
Assumption of Risk
Holder recognizes that attendance of Holder and any accompanying minor(s) at The Theater is voluntary and may result in personal injury (including death) or property damage. By use of a ticket, attendance at and/or observation of this Theater and Event and participation in the Event (if any) on behalf of himself/herself and any minor(s) accompanying Holder, Holder acknowledges and assumes all risks and dangers associated with being an audience member in a live performance. Holder agrees that The Theater, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and all past, present and future successors, assigns, agents, representatives and independent contractors of such will not be responsible for any personal injury, property damage, or other loss suffered as a result of participation in or attendance at the event and/or resulting from the negligence of the Entities. Holder further releases the Entities from and against any and all claims which Holder or any minor(s) accompanying Holder has or may have for invasion of privacy, defamation, violation of any right of publicity, or any other cause of action arising out of the production, reproduction, distribution, transmission, publication, public performance, broadcast or exhibition of advertisements, promotions, content, programs and/or materials in which recordings or photographs of Holder or any minor(s) accompanying Holder from the Event might appear.
2. Use License
The Site and all data, text, designs, pages, print screens, images, artwork, photographs, audio and video, clips, and HTML code, source code, or software that resides or is viewable or otherwise discoverable on The Site, and all tickets obtained from The Site (collectively "the Content") are owned by us or our licensors. We own copyrights, and in many instances, patents and other intellectual property in the Site and Content. We may change the Content and features of the Site at any time. Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on’s website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. We grant you a limited, conditional, no-cost, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable license to view this Site, and its Content to purchase tickets as permitted by these Terms for non-commercial purposes only if, as a conditional precedent, you agree that you will not:
· Modify or copy the materials;
· Reproduce or scan tickets in a format or medium different from that provided by the Site;
· Use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial);
· Attempt to decode, decrypt, modify, or reverse engineer any tickets, software, or underlying algorithms or barcodes contained on’s website;
· Remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights contained on the Site or on the materials; or
· Take any action that imposes or may impose (in our sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;
· Transfer the materials to another person or "frame" or "mirror" the materials on any other server.
This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.
This license is expressly conditioned on your preexisting agreement to comply with, and your actual compliance with, each of the provisions described in this Use License section. This license exists only so long as you strictly comply with each of the provisions described in this section. Any use of the Site or Content by you or anyone acting on your behalf that does not strictly comply with every provision in this section exceeds the scope of the license granted to you herein, constitutes unauthorized reproduction, display, or creation of unauthorized derivative versions of the Site and Content, and infringes our copyrights, trademarks, patents and other rights in the Site and Content. You will not acquire any ownership rights by using the Site or the Content. The registered and unregistered trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the Site are owned by us or our licensors. You may not use our trademarks, logos and service marks in any way without our prior written permission.
3. Disclaimer
You hereby expressly acknowledge that the event which you are about to attend (or will attend) by virtue of the purchased ticket(s) involves, or may involve, certain acts, events, performances and/or occurrences which by their very nature are inherently dangerous and may pose risk of serious injury or injuries to life or limb, regardless of whether human fault was or was not a factor in the said injury or injuries.
You also expressly acknowledge that you voluntarily and with full disclosure of the potential danger(s) associated with the entertainment event, assume the risk(s) that are implied in such activities, and by virtue of such acknowledgement irrevocably indemnify and hold The Theater harmless from any liability of any and all types whatsoever, without limitation. You also expressly acknowledge that in further consideration of the benefit of purchasing this (or these) ticket(s), you voluntarily, without hesitation and being fully informed in the premises assume all risk of potential harm or injury incidental to any other ticket holder or ticket holders for which you have purchased a ticket or ticket(s) for admission to the Venue, and hereby completely, unalterably, irrevocably and unequivocally indemnify and hold Venue harmless from any harm or injury of any and all kinds whatsoever, without any limitation whatsoever.
4. Password and Account Security
You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, Registration Data and other verification information established by you with, and all activities that occur using your password, Registration Data or other verification information supplied to or established by you with You agree not to transfer or sell your use of, or access to, your password to any third party. If you discover that there has been any unauthorized use of your password or other verification information, or any other breach of security with respect to your password, you agree to immediately notify us by calling 310-208-2028. Upon your notification to us, we will deactivate your service, close your web account and issue a new account to you. You agree you expressly authorize the use of your password, Registration Data, or other verification information established by you with by anyone to whom you provide this information. You acknowledge and agree that, except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law or in our terms of service with you, shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these terms of service.
We believe that your privacy and the privacy of all our users is important. These Terms are subject to the Privacy Policy, which is hereby linked by reference.
5. Violation of These Terms
We may investigate any violation of these Terms, including unauthorized use of the Site. We may take legal action that we feel is appropriate. You agree that monetary damages may not provide us a sufficient remedy and that we may pursue injunctive or other relief for your violation of these Terms. If we determine that you have violated these Terms or the law, or for any other reason or for no reason, we may cancel your account, delete your User Content and prevent you from accessing the Site at any time without notice to you. If that happens, you may no longer use the Site or any Content. You will still be bound by your obligations under these Terms. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for termination of your access to the Site or to your account or any related information, and we will not be required to make the Site or your account or any related information available to you. We may also cancel any ticket or merchandise order, and tickets or merchandise acquired through your order. We may refuse to honor pending and future purchases made from all accounts we believe may be associated with you, or cancel a ticket or ticket order associated with any person we believe to be acting with you, or cancel your ticket postings, or exercise any other remedy available to us. You agree that your abusive use of the Site may cause damage and harm to us, including impaired goodwill, lost sales and increased expenses.
6. Accommodations
The Theater strives to provide excellent service to all our guests, including those guests with disabilities and special needs. We recognize the needs of persons with disabilities and have met or exceeded the requirements of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California accessibility mandates. The theater was designed and constructed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for each guest to enjoy their experience at the theater. (1) We offer accessible seating in an integrated seeing level throughout the theater. Accessible and disabled seating is available in all prices throughout the theater. (2) The Theater provides complimentary wheelchair escorts to guests with special needs when requested. Escorts are available at any entry point. (3) For guests who wish to transfer to a seat from their wheelchair, we will store your wheelchair, and our staff will make arrangements to return the wheelchair to you at the end of the event, or any other time of your choosing. (4) Assisted Listening Devices are available at all our performances. The units are provided free of charge, upon request at the Box Office. Simply exchange your driver license (or State-issued ID) for the unit upon arrival, and return the unit after the performance to reclaim your identification. (5) Similarly related, the Theater can provide sign language interpretation for guests with hearing disabilities. To receive sign language interpretation by request, please submit your request no less than two (2) weeks in advance of the performance. Requests for sign language interpreter should be sent to . (6) Service Animals are welcome inside the building and must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times. If you intend to bring a service animal to the Theater, please notify your ticket representative at the time of purchase so that an aisle seat may be reserved for you. We suggest that the individual have proof of certification or a license for the service animal. (7) All public restrooms at the theater are accessible. (8) Visual and audible alarms are located throughout the Theater for use in the event of an emergency. Theater personnel have been properly trained in emergency evacuation procedures to ensure the safe evacuation of all patrons, including those guests with disabilities, in the case of an emergency.
7. General
These terms of service are a legally binding contract between the Holder and The Theater. By opening an account, you agree to the above-stated terms.
These terms of service are subject to change without any prior notification, and any changes will be posted here. Anything not listed in the terms of service is open to interpretation and change by The Theater without prior notice.
These Terms, together with any other agreements incorporated herein or referred to herein, constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior understanding or agreement (oral or written), regarding the subject matter, and may not be amended or modified except in writing or by making such amendments or modifications available on this Site.
Any violation of these terms of service will result in termination of the account. The Theater maintains the right to terminate accounts without prior notification.
Lastly, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.