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The third installment of Dominique Morisseau’s acclaimed trilogy “The Detroit Project,” Skeleton Crew follows four co-workers—Faye, Dez, Reggie and Shanita—at a Detroit auto factory in 2008. This play highlights the layered relationships and drama of blue-collar workers navigating the instability and uncertainty in their personal lives and at work. Each character’s patience and loyalty are tested as the plant’s future comes into question, and they are forced to make hard choices to ensure their individual survival. Morisseau’s masterful command of dialect and dialogue brings depth and authenticity to a story about the very local implications of global change.

Performance Information

Running Time
2 hours and 15 minutes, including one 15 minute intermission.

This production contains profanity, partial nudity, fog effects, and the smoking of herbal cigarettes.

Gil Cates Theater
View Seating Chart


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