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Ricky Jay has long been considered one of the world's great sleight of hand artists and his career is further distinguished by the remarkable variety of his accomplishments as an author, actor, historian and film consultant. The Geffen Playhouse is the only theater in Los Angeles to host the internationally lauded performer in the last decade—the Audrey Skirball Kenis Theater hosted Jay’s first performance in L.A. in more than ten years for a sold-out run of Jay’s hit show Ricky Jay & His 52 Assistants. Ricky Jay: A Rogue’s Gallery is both more personal and more improvisational than his previous outings. The audience often directs the course of action and no three performances are the same. The usually reticent Jay offers a more intimate look into his life and career by opening his personal cabinet of curiosities. Using advanced technology, he displays posters, playbills and artifacts from his world famous treasure trove on deception and unusual entertainments. All the while, he astounds and entertains with mind-boggling feats never tweeted about or viewed on YouTube.

Performance Information

Running Time
1 hour and 45 minutes, including one 15 minute intermission.
Late Seating

There is no late seating and no re-entry while the performance is in progress.


No one under the age of 17 will be admitted.

Gil Cates Theater
View Seating Chart


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