From an early age Jeff Fahey has been a seeker of knowledge and new experiences. Fahey began his study of the arts at the Gratowski experimental theatre and the Studio Arena in New York. He received his feature film break being offered the role of Tyree’ in Silverado starring opposite Kevin Costner, Kevin Kline, and Danny Glover. From his breakthrough in Silverado and continuing to the present day, Fahey has never experienced a lull in his acting career. He followed his many varied film roles with a hugely successful run on the stage in London in the production of Orphans starring opposite Albert Finney and Kevin Anderson. Fahey has also been involved in world causes for a number of years with a focus on issues in conflict and post-conflict regions. He commuted back and forth from Afghanistan to Hawaii to star for three seasons on the hit television series Lost, and upon returning from the Western Sahara he starred in the film Machette opposite Robert DeNiro. Fahey has recently been named Global Ambassador for the United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.